Hello again from Michele,



Please listen to my audio with the above link. Just click on it to pause or start.


As I am writing this I am truly so excited and HAPPY for you as this is

something very rare unique and beyond special as you WILL see for yourself.

This special was not just putting together a few free bonuses. We put years and

time and love into creating these amazing products which include some rare
interviews with the world's most beloved teachers of our time including Rev. Ike,
Bob Proctor and Yogiar. One of whom is no longer with us physically. PLEASE do let your friends know about this special as Joe and David from Selfgrowth.com
have done for you today. THANKS GUYS we LOVE YOU!!


Now if you listen to the audio above you can hear me speak about all of the
bonuses in detail and of course you can scroll down and see for yourself as
you are listening OR you can click on the button as I said above to pause the audio.


Just go right now to the order page by Clicking Here and purchase Songs For Success™ CD and you will receive all of the links on the real LIVE bonus page.


We at MusiVation™ International wish you so much LOVE and SUCCESS!


May these songs and products help bring you to that soul fulfillment,
happiness and success you deserve and may all of your
positive dreams come true NOW!!


Much Love and Deep Gratitude

All of these FREE Bonus Products that are from MusiVation™ come with
easy step by step download instructions. It is simple to download to your
ipod or burn as CD’s TODAY or simply listen on your computer.
You will be given the instructions along with your live bonus links page
as soon as you invest in yourself today with Just $10 for Songs For Success™!!

Click here now and purchase your Songs For Success™ CD!!

#1 Free Bonus "NEW PARADIGMS™ " 7 CD download Program by Bob Proctor

Teacher of The Secret and MusiVation™ US $69.95           Value Priceless


Utilize this powerful 7 CD Download program by Bob Proctor & MusiVation™

If you loved Bob on THE SECRET just wait until you experince Bob's

"New Paradigms™"! An AWESOME Success course that will show ANYONE

what and how THE LAW OF ATTRACTION really works in every area that is

required when one wishes to push the envelope and exponentially SUCCEED!

This was written and recorded over an intense and exciting two year period

with Bob Proctor and Michele while working together in Malaysia and Singapore.


It is filled with powerful information covering vital Success, Wealth Topics:

Success, Decision, Risk, Communication, Persistence and Action and of
course the mind life changing MusiVation™ New Paradigms Songs.

Do it Now! Change your old paradigms and become the wealthy, positive,
and happy person that you deserve to be.

Includes 12 MP3s that you can download onto your Ipod or burn
onto 7 CDs TODAY.


Many people worldwide have stated that this powerful program was
THE program
that brought them to their SUCCESS!

Bob Proctor IS the Teacher's Teacher and a man with deep Love for Humanity!

Includes a full instructions ebook.


#2 Free Bonus  "MISSION POSSIBLE Your Mission IS Possible™" download 3 CD program

By the director of The Secret, Drew Heriot, Dr. Lawrence T. Bond and Michele Blood
US $19.95 Value  Pricless

NEW Now has Bonus CD download on How to write a Mission Statement and Business plans!

This dynamic ensemble decided to get together and create a REAL
program based on their
own life experience from Drew Heriot as a
small child having a mission to help the world
to going on and doing

just that in many ways including directing and co creating “The Secret”.
Their stories are inspiring and YOU CAN LEARN how to create your own
story YOUR MISSION, YOUR PURPOSE through these amazing individuals.

Whether you have identified your purpose or not, "MISSION POSSIBLE"
will inspire greater passion and purpose in your career and life. Drew,
Michele and Lawrence examine the ways in which hurdles along the path
to success are often support in disguise. In fun and uplifting conversations
with these three powerhouses of knowledge, their combined experience in
their respective fields will help you discover how the challenges that surface
in the pursuit of
your vision are always doorways to your dream coming true
WHEN you know what your dream is.

This powerful audio program (nearly 2 and a half hours) is a blue print to
living your life
in the now.Together they open up their lives to you and
share personal experiences in this thing called life. And through their true life experiences
your heart and soul will awaken. Yes, this program goes
beyond the physical,
it will touch your Spirit.

Because Your Mission is Possible !!

#3 Free Bonus "Michele’s Turbo Charged Goal Setting and Daily List Action Planner™"
US $29.95 Value Priceless


The combination of this Turbo Charged Goal Setting and Daily List EPlanner and

the amazing ACTION recording by Bob Proctor will make you unstoppable.

Get these 2 products for FREE TODAY when your purchase SONGS FOR SUCCESS™!

and I do mean today as they can be downloaded today!!


So many lives have been changed when they can work out how to set their
goals and
how to work out the power of a daily action list.
So simple and yet most of us simply do not know how.

It is not how much work we do, IT is HOW we do the work and organzie
our day that makes us a success!

This ebook has helped thousands of people worldwide get their lives into
the RIGHT Positive action that has taken them not only to reaching all
of their goals and beyond it has gifted them with the rare jewel called
Simple when we know how, a mess when we don't.


Use this ebook system and watch your life turn from confusion to clarity and order!!

(Download PDF & MP3 files)

Click here now and purchase your Songs For Success™ CD!!

#4 Free Bonus "ALL ABOUT CASTING" By Casting Agent of Conversations With God
and many other great films Kathy Wilson
Value $99.00

This amazing teleconference that was US $99.00 is PACKED with amazing
information to help you know about auditions, casting, talent agents and
much more,
NOW for FREE. You can download it and burn it on a CD
or simply listen to it on your computer.

An amazing teleconference with Casting Director and Agent Kathy Wilson.

This ONE off special teleconference was amazing. ALL about casting and agents.
Kathy is casting Director for Indigo and Stephen Simon's new film
Conversations With God. Kathy owned her own successful agency in
for many years. She is amazing and
will help you so much. Even if you are not
an actor the advice she gives here will inspire
and educate you.
There's no business like show business.


#5 Free Bonus The 50 page ebook "Say I DO™ ” by  Success Coach Esther Chambers
and "Say I Do To Your Dreams Audio."
US Value $39.95

#1.  The 50-page E-book Say "I Do" To You! How To Find Love Happiness and Success
by Taking A Vow to Yourself and to Your Divinely-Designed Dreams
by Success Coach Motivational Speaker Esther Chambers.

#2. A four-part interview with Michele and Esther on the topic of Saying "I Do!" To Your Dreams! Over 60 minutes total in length!

  #6 Free Bonus "Mindset Matters™ "Weekly Podcasted Show. By Shelby Collinge
 Value Priceless

Did you know That Your Mindset Matters? 


I’m sure you know how important your mindset is in EVERY area of your life. 
Or do you?

Do you know what your mindset is right now?  


Shelby Collinge is a Mindset Expert and Author and has a weekly podcasted
show called ‘Mindset Matters’.  She shares some incredible information week
after week! Friends of Michele Blood and Musivation™ can register to receive
this information at absolutely no cost!


#7 Free Bonus  Krystalya Marie’ shares her "Peak Performance Energy tips!"
US $230.00 Value Priceless


Would you like to have more energy and stamina?

Increase Your Energy with Breakthrough Secrets for Having Peak Performance
Energy & Stamina! 


Learn how your body’s’ energy system works, how blocks in your energy
system can deplete your energy, and best of all how you can free up your
energy, remove the blocks, and have Peak Performance Energy with a one
minute energy tune-up. Also receive a free copy of 'The Empowered Spirit News'
where you will learn the Secrets to greater health and happiness.


#8 Free Bonus "$$ MONEY CONSCIOUSNESS " by the GREAT Rev. IKE

This is a RARE Gift an amazing interview in 2006 with the world famous

Mr. Money Magnet himself Reverend Ike

US $10.00  Value Priceless


This is a rare recording taken from a live teleconference where Michele
interviewed Rev. Ike
on Money Consciousness and is truly a rare gift as
Rev. Ike has not done any interviews since he retired from his
church years ago.

It was recorded in April of 2006 and people flocked to be on this call
from all over the world.


After fifty years of Rev. Ike being 'The Teacher's and People's Teacher'
on prosperity
and Universal Money principles this call was by far the
most profound and not only what money consciousness
is but how
we can use it to attract that good old fashioned stuff
we like to call $$ MONEY!!! So CALL $$$MONEY to you today!!

Download this one TODAY with this rare and very special free bonus offer!!

#9 Free Bonus  Another rare and amazing interview recording you can download from
world-renowned  (Now transcended) Beloved Guru Yogiar S.A.A. Ramaiah
Value TRULY Priceless

Beloved Yogiar S.A.A. Ramaiah left the physical body on Guru Purnima
July 12, 2006, in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, at the age of 83.
He has been laid to rest in the Mahasamadhi Shrine of the
Athanoor Palaniandavar Kovil.

A very unique and special teleconference interview was recorded
with Dr. Lawrence T. Bond (who was a disciple of Yogiar for over
25 years and traveled with him worldwide
) & Michele with Yogiar in
May 2005 to people worldwide.

The great deathless Maa Siddha Kriya Babaji Nagaraj of the Himalayas
initiated Yogiar into Kriya Yoga in 1948, and then assigned him to carry
the art and science of Kriya Yoga to all corners of the world.
To this end, Yogiar Ramaiah founded Kriya Babaji Sangah in the
San Thome section of
Chennai, India, in 1952, and his International
Babaji Yoga Sangam now includes 50 centers worldwide.

It has always been Yogiar's will that these centers be nourished and
maintained as if they were his own natural children. They are, and
will remain, havens for those who would "seek Babaji to become a Babaji".

Yogiar was one of the first to bring yoga to
America, establishing
ten centers in the
U.S.A. and Canada. Over the years, Yogiar blessed
more than 2000 souls with dikshai and initiation into Babaji's powerful
techniques. To further spread Babaji's message of Unity in Diversity,
Yogiar presided over fifty-two consecutive, annual Parliaments of
World Religion and Yoga, beginning in 1954.
This wonderful tradition has continued with the 54 th Parliament
of World Religions of Yoga which was held in Sedona
Arizona by his
disciples on August 26 and 27, 2006.

It seems terribly inadequate to describe Yogiar by presenting a
chronology or listing his accomplishments. Everything he did seemed
to be a channeling of Divine Love, even if we weren't capable of immediately appreciating and understanding this. Indeed, so effective and consistent
was this channeling, that for all intents and purposes, he was,
to his followers worldwide Divine Love incarnate.

Those who wish to honor Yogiar may kindly devote their lives to God and Truth.

Om Shanti! Shanti!! Shanti!!! Om

Click here now and purchase your Songs For Success™ CD!!


Last but by no means least if you purchase 20 or more SONGS FOR SUCCESS

CD’s you will receive 50% off. You then have our permsion to..........


1)Re sell the CD's at the retail value at your own events or online store.
A great way to raise money and make money while doing something
great to help the world be more positive.


2)Gift them to your friends and work team and see everyone shift

to The I CAN/We Can attitude and success!!

To receive this wholesale special offer and 50% discount you will however
have to call us for this order
(not online) just call us at 858 268 8688
California/Pacific time 9 am until 6 pm. OR e-mail us your phone number at musiVation@aol.com and a good tiem to call you back Pacific time

anywhere in the WORLD!!


You will of course still receive all of these bonuses that you can then
gift to 20 friends which is a REAL WOW!!


Also we have started something that supports everyone, every day,
every week so check out our AWESOME Mystical Success Club at www.MSuccessClub.com

Click here now and purchase your Songs For Success™ CD!!