Life Coaching
Life coaching is being presented as a new profession, based on sports coaching. Life Coaches – who often called themselves Personal Coaches – have been around for a long time, generally their clients had been limited either to the rich and famous, or (in the case of Executive Coaches) to corporations. Whatever the term used, the processes and skills are very similar. Nowadays coaching is no longer the preserve of just a few, but is available to anyone.
Compared to the alternatives, coaching is cost effective and cheap. If you want to make the most of your career, relationships, health, whatever it may be – including your life – then coaching is probably the most effective method to achieve what you want.
Coaches often get asked whether coaching is a therapy, the answer is, “No! It is not a therapy.” Many therapies tend to be “problem focused”, the idea being that when the client comes to understand the problem then it will cease to be a problem. Opinions on the effectiveness of this approach vary widely.
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A Magnet To Money
Only $19.95 |
Money is Freedom-Freedom to live out your dreams, freedom
to travel this beautiful world. Be a Magnet to Money is one of the most
simple and yet greatest psychological discoveries of the 21st century. Now
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wealthy people have studied and applied for years. These concepts affect
both hemispheres of the brain so that old conditioning and fears of the
past are quickly replaced consciously with new positive thoughts. Before
you know it, you will... Be a Magnet to Money.
Two cassette audio program, by Bob Proctor & Michele
Coaching Focuses on Results
Coaching is a team effort, we (coach and coachee) work together to find out what you really want, this means that we find your underlying purpose – that which is driving you but is outside normal everyday awareness – we then set goals which are aligned with and support that purpose. After that we work on other areas in order to ensure that you will achieve the goals you have set. We also develop strategies to support you in a number of ways, especially regarding achieving your goals and enabling you to get what you want.
The Benefits of Life Coaching
Having a life coach will enable you to:
Define what you want in your
other areas
life in general
Set powerful achievable goals (goals you want to have)
Have professional support and backing
Have someone to contact whenever you need to
Define what success means for you and
Get on the right track to achieving your success
Find the passion that really motivates you – what gets you out of bed in the morning eager to start the day
Bring this passion into your life and work so that you are doing the job you want and living the life you want – not doing what you think you ought to nor what others want for you
Manage stress – when we focus on what we want and align with our goals stress automatically reduces. Coaching has specific techniques for managing stress
A coach who is very highly trained and experienced, with high level skills and excellent rapport –
Michele Blood has the necessary qualifications to train others – which means:
able to home-in straight away on important issues
spending less time being coached
less time spent on “homework”
you will spend more time enjoying the benefits and results of coaching
more cost effective
you can “go solo” much sooner, taking control of your own life, saving on coaching expenses and knowing your coach is there when needed
obstacles to achieving goals, etc. can be removed instead of “working around” them
you will have the benefit of skills and techniques available to only a select minority of coaches
Reduce stress – some stress is external, for this the same techniques are used by other life coaches. For other kinds of stress it is possible to remove the cause of the stress. This means that sometimes the stress just disappears otherwise it
certainly will be reduced.
Deep level improvements in self-esteem
Work directly to change those old beliefs which have got in your way to new beliefs that support you. – Have you noticed that, even though other people (similar to you in many ways) can do certain things easily, when you have to do those same things you find it very difficult or you say, “I can’t...”. If others just like you can do it easily then so can you – you just haven’t yet found out how or what stops you – and working together with your coach you can change those old beliefs which had held you back to new beliefs which empower you and enable you to readily achieve what you want.
Life Goal Achievement
Life Goal Achievement is a process designed to help ambitious people pursue their most critical and challenging life goals. The range of life goals is as diverse as the human experience. Yours could be deepening a key relationship, mastering a foreign language, realizing your financial ambitions, or raising your spiritual awareness - whatever is central to your definition of success.
The coach uses a variety of tools to help you move from potential to fulfillment. You can expect bracing perspective, stimulating exercises, tailored encouragement - and from time to time even a gentle push. As a result you will:
Take concrete steps - the right steps - day by day and week by week to advance your goals.
Stay clear-headed about and energized by your goals, no matter what distractions life throws in your path.
Break through plateaus, and recover quickly from set-backs.
Achieve a state of "flow" in the pursuit of your goals, by ensuring that the challenges you set and the skills you engage grow in tandem.
Guard against "goal mania" - in other words maintain a sense of balance and simplicity in your life.
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Setting and Affirmation Power
Only $12.95 | Dare
to see yourself being, doing and having the things in life you now think
you could never be, do or have. You are a channel for ALL the POWER of
GOOD in the Universe. This powerful cassette will teach you how to open up
your mind to receive all of the GOOD things in life that are your divine
Find out what you want NOW with MICHELE'S GOAL SETTING,
Audio cassette program by Michele Blood.
Weight Loss Plans | Relationship Quotes |
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Spiritual Quotes |
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Positive Affirmations |
Positive Motivational Quotes |
Music Healing | Metaphysic |
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Life Coaching | Motivational Quotes |
Motivational Inspirational Quotes |